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[맛집탐방/Where to eat] 韓国伝統の喫茶店 Korean Traditional Teahouse <ドシェビティーハウス/Dochebi Teahouse> こんにちは, RAONです 😊 Hello This is RAON : ) 今日は,仁寺洞(インサドン)の茶屋"ドシェビ茶屋"をご紹介します。 Today, I'm going to introduce you to the "Dogaebi Dobanghan Tea House" located in Insa-dong Ssam-ji-gil. この喫茶店に立ち寄り,仁寺洞の展示を見た。 I stopped by this teahouse to see the exhibition in Insa-dong. 仁寺洞には静かな展示がたくさんあります! There's quiet lots of exhibitions in Insa-dong! そこへ入るとすぐに,私は完全にその場所に入った。 お茶の香りでリラックスできました。 伝統的なインテリアの韓国美。 As soon .. 2019. 9. 14.
[首签会/Meet&Greet] 2019 徐康俊 SEO KANG JUN : Me Before You 你好,我是RAON 😊 Hello This is RAON 😊 上周末台风过去了,我希望大家都安然无恙。 The typhoon passed last weekend, and I hope everyone doesn't suffer too much. 今天,我要给你一个粉丝会帮助你更接近你最喜欢的明星 不是音乐会和音乐剧! Today, I'm going to give you a fan meeting that will help you get closer to your favorite stars than concerts and musicals! 这是徐康俊的粉丝聚会 This is Seo Kang-jun's fan meeting, ‘Me Before You’! 这位球迷会见了他的第一届国内歌迷大会。 This fan meeting is S.. 2019. 9. 12.
[ファンの集い/Meet&Greet] 2019 ソ・ガンジュン ファンの集い SEO KANG JUN : Me Before You こんにちは, RAONです 😊 Hello This is RAON 😊 台風は先週末に通過しましたので,皆様が平気であることを願います。 The typhoon passed last weekend, and I hope everyone doesn't suffer too much. 今日は,お気に入りのスターに親しくなれるためのファンミーティングを開催します。 コンサートやミュージカルよりも! Today, I'm going to give you a fan meeting that will help you get closer to your favorite stars than concerts and musicals! これはソ·ガンジュンのファン会議"Me Before You"だ。 This is Seo Kang-jun's fan meeting,.. 2019. 9. 12.
[팬미팅/Meet&Greet] 2019 서강준 팬미팅 [SEO KANG JUN : Me Before You] 안녕하세요 라온입니다 😊 Hello This is RAON 😊 지난 주말 태풍이 지나갔는데 모두 큰 피해 없으셨으면 좋겠네요ㅠㅠ The typhoon passed last weekend, and I hope everyone doesn't suffer too much. 오늘은 콘서트나 뮤지컬 등 공연보다 내가 좋아하는 스타에게 더 가까이 다가갈 수 있는 팬미팅 소식을 전해드리려고 합니다! Today, I'm going to give you a fan meeting that will help you get closer to your favorite stars than concerts and musicals! 바로 서강준 팬미팅 ‘미 비포 유’(me before you)인데요! This is Seo Kang-.. 2019. 9. 11.