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[演唱会/Concert] 陆军创造性音乐 <回归> Army Creative Musical <RETURN> 你好,我是RAON😊 Hello, this is RAON 今天我给你带来了音乐 Today I brought you the news of the musical 10月22日,开幕式上确认了开幕式, 不过,我希望你能弄到一张票,所以我急于把消息告诉你。 The opening was confirmed on October 22, but I hope to have a lot of people succeed in ticketing, so I was in a hurry to bring the news. “等待等待,渴望渴望 为了满足不同的梦想路径,犹豫历史再次站起来“ “Wait for waiting and waiting, for longing and longing To meet different dream paths, To hesita.. 2019. 9. 11.
[ミュージカル/Musical] 陸軍創作ミュージカル「帰還」, Army Creative Musical <RETURN> こんにちは, RAONです😊 Hello, this is Raon 今日はミュージカルニュースをお伝えしました。 Today I brought you the news of the musical 開通は10月22日に確認された。 しかし,チケットが欲しいので,私は急いで知らせました。 The opening was confirmed on October 22, but I hope to have a lot of people succeed in ticketing, so I was in a hurry to bring the news. 「待てば待て 異なる夢の旅に出会うには,歴史をためらうことです」 “Wait for waiting and waiting, for longing and longing To meet different dream pa.. 2019. 9. 7.
[뮤지컬] 육군 창작 뮤지컬 <귀환>, Army Creative Musical <RETURN> 안녕하세요 라온입니다 😊 Hello This is RAON 😊 연이은 비소식으로 외출하기 어려운 요즘이네요ㅠㅠ It's hard to go out because of rain. 오늘은 뮤지컬 의 소식을 들고 왔습니다 Today I brought you the news of the musical 10월 22일 개막이 확정되었으나 많은 분들이 티켓팅을 성공하셨으면 하는 바람에 조금 서둘러서 소식을 가져오게 됐어요^^ The opening was confirmed on October 22, but I hope to have a lot of people succeed in ticketing, so I was in a hurry to bring the news. “기다림과 기다림이 만날 수 있도록, 그리움과 그리.. 2019. 9. 6.
[美食店/Where we go] 美食店&旅行 Travel & Tasty Road <弘大/Hongdae> こ您好,这是RAON 😊 Hello This is RAON : ) 从今天起,我想向您介绍一个新的旅游与食品,弘大。 From today, I would like to introduce you to a new Travel & Food, Hongdae. 弘大已成为首尔最受欢迎的旅游景点之一,不仅适用于男性和女性,也适用于外国人。 Hongdae has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in Seoul, not only for men and women but also for foreigners. 现在,让我向您介绍弘大的街头美食。 Now, let me introduce you to the street food of Hongdae. 在我介绍你之前,我在附件中放了街头食品的地图。.. 2019. 9. 6.