[演唱会/Concert] 陆军创造性音乐 <回归> Army Creative Musical <RETURN>
你好,我是RAON😊 Hello, this is RAON 今天我给你带来了音乐 Today I brought you the news of the musical 10月22日,开幕式上确认了开幕式, 不过,我希望你能弄到一张票,所以我急于把消息告诉你。 The opening was confirmed on October 22, but I hope to have a lot of people succeed in ticketing, so I was in a hurry to bring the news. “等待等待,渴望渴望 为了满足不同的梦想路径,犹豫历史再次站起来“ “Wait for waiting and waiting, for longing and longing To meet different dream paths, To hesita..
2019. 9. 11.