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[グルメ旅行/Where we go] グルメ&旅行 Travel & Tasty Road <弘大/Hongdae> こんにちは、これはRAONです 😊 Hello This is RAON : ) 今日から、新しい旅行と食べ物、弘大を紹介したいと思います。 From today, I would like to introduce you to a new Travel & Food, Hongdae. 弘大は、男女だけでなく外国人にとってもソウルで最も人気のある観光名所の1つになりました。 Hongdae has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in Seoul, not only for men and women but also for foreigners. それでは、弘大の屋台料理をご紹介しましょう。 Now, let me introduce you to the street food of Hongdae. 紹介.. 2019. 9. 6.
[演唱会/Concert] 2019 VIXX LIVE FANTASIA 'PARALLEL' 您好,这是RAON😊 Hello This is RAON 😊 今天我有KPOP偶像VIXX的消息 Today I came to the news of the idol group VIXX “一种新的错觉,将被放在永不停止的平行线上, 我们邀请您参加VIXX平行宇宙中的第六个幻想曲。 ” “A new illusion that will be put on parallel lines that will never end, We invite you to the sixth fantasia in VIXX's parallel universe. ” 通过预期邀请通知音乐会新闻。 Notified of the concert news with the expected invitation. VIXX LIVE FANTASIA PARALLEL将于28日和29日在.. 2019. 9. 4.
[コンサート/Concert] 2019 VIXX LIVE FANTASIA 'PARALLEL' こんにちは、これはRAONです:)😊 Hello This is RAON 😊 今日、私はkpopアイドル、VIXXのニュースを持っています Today I came to the news of the idol group VIXX 「終わりのない平行線に置かれる新しい錯覚、 VIXXのパラレルユニバースの6番目のファンタジアにご招待します。 」 “A new illusion that will be put on parallel lines that will never end, We invite you to the sixth fantasia in VIXX's parallel universe. ” 予想される招待とともにコンサートのニュースを通知しました。 Notified of the concert news with the expected invit.. 2019. 9. 4.
[콘서트/Concert] 2019 빅스 콘서트 VIXX LIVE FANTASIA 'PARALLEL' 안녕하세요 라온입니다 😊 Hello This is RAON 😊 오늘은 아이돌 그룹 빅스의 소식으로 찾아오게 되었습니다^^ Today I came to the news of the idol group VIXX “끝나지 않을 평행선 위에 놓아질 새로운 환상, 빅스의 평행우주 속 여섯번째 판타지아로 여러분을 초대합니다” “A new illusion that will be put on parallel lines that will never end, We invite you to the sixth fantasia in VIXX's parallel universe. ” 기대되는 초대장으로 콘서트 소식을 알렸는데요ㅎㅎ Notified of the concert news with the expected invitati.. 2019. 8. 30.