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[WHERE TO EAT/美食店] YEONNAMDONG FLOWER CAFE 延南洞咖啡店 VERS HOUSE Hello This is RAON : ) 您好,这是RAON:) How are you all doing at the end of the summer? 你们都还好吗 Nowadays I think that fall is coming with the wind of fall. 如今我觉得秋天随风而来 Today I recommend you a flower cafe called 'VERS HOUSE' which is located at the end of Yeontral park. 今天我推荐你一家名为'VERS HOUSE'的花卉咖啡馆,它位于Yeontral公园的尽头。 Yeontral Park is a new word that combines Yeonnam-dong and Central Park. Yeontral公园是一个新.. 2019. 8. 27.
[WHERE TO EAT/グルメ旅行] YEONNAMDONG FLOWER CAFE 延南洞フラワーカフェ VERS HOUSE Hello This is RAON : ) こんにちは、これはRAONです:) How are you all doing at the end of the summer? お元気ですか? Nowadays I think that fall is coming with the wind of fall. 今日、秋は風と共に来ると思います。 Today I recommend you a flower cafe called 'VERS HOUSE' which is located at the end of Yeontral park. 今日は、ヨントラル公園の端にある「VERS HOUSE」というフラワーカフェをお勧めします。 Yeontral Park is a new word that combines Yeonnam-dong and Central Park. ヨ.. 2019. 8. 27.
[맛집탐방 WHERE TO EAT] 연남동 플라워카페 벌스하우스 YEONNAMDONG FLOWER CAFE VERS HOUSE 안녕하세요 라온 입니다 😊 Hello This is RAON : ) 여름의 끝 다들 잘 보내고 계신가요?? How are you all doing at the end of the summer? 요즘 정말 가을이 다가오고 있다는 걸 바람으로 느끼는 것 같아요. Nowadays I think that fall is coming with the wind of fall. 오늘은 연남동의 명소, 연트럴파크의 끝단에 위치한 플라워 카페 벌스하우스를 소개해드릴게요! Today I recommend you a flower cafe called 'VERS HOUSE' which is located at the end of Yeontral park. 연트럴파크는 연남동과 센트럴파크를 합친 신조어랍니다:) Yeontral .. 2019. 8. 27.
[국내여행 Where we go] 여행& 먹거리 Travel & Tasty Road <홍대편> 안녕하세요 라온 입니다 😊 Hello This is RAON : ) 이번 무더운 여름 잘 지내고 계신가요? How are you this hot summer? 오늘부터 새로운 여행&먹거리 홍대편을 소개해드리려 합니다. From today, I would like to introduce you to a new Travel & Food, Hongdae. 홍대는 남여노소 뿐만 아니라 외국인 분들 또한 많이 찾고 계시는 서울의 명소 중 하나가 되었습니다. Hongdae has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in Seoul, not only for men and women but also for foreigners. 그럼 이번에는 홍대 길거리 음식에 대.. 2019. 8. 26.