Traveling Korea/About travel in Seoul123 Where in Korea have you been to? <Chuncheon Mime Festival 2016> Where in Korea have you been to? Starting in May, all sorts of festivals are coming up all around Korea.Other than music festivals, which are very popular among 20s~30s, there are all sorts of festivals, one of them being "Chuncheon Mime Festival." Chuncheon Mime Festival will be held 2 weeks from today, on May 26th~29th. (Image from: Korea Tourism Organization) This year's Chuncheon Mime festiv.. 2016. 5. 14. Where in Korea have you been to? <Seoul Rose Festival> Where in Korea have you been to? May 14th is the official "Rose day" of Korea.For those of you visiting Seoul in May,heads up for the upcoming Seoul Rose Festival! Seoul rose festival is being planned to be the most beautiful festival of Seoul.Therefore, you can have high hopes for this event!! (Image from: Korea Tourism Organization) Seoul Rose Festival is held May 20th~22nd. May 20th is Rose d.. 2016. 5. 13. Where in Korea have you been to ? <Gunsan:good place for 1night 2days trip> 한국,어디까지 가봤니? 1박2일 혹은 2박3일 시간이나면 어디로 여행을 가야할까 고민하시죠? 외국을 가려니 비행기값이 너무 올라있고 ㅠㅠ 그래서 국내에서 알차게!1박2일 혹은 2박3일로 즐길수 있는 여행 코스를 소개해드리려 해요 출처:군산시 홈페이지 여행지로는 이런 곳들이 있어요 군산은 대한민국의 대표 근대 역사도시랍니다. 도심 곳곳에 일제강점기의 흔적이 남아있어요!적산가옥, 구조선은행, 구군산세관,근대역사박물관 같은 문화유산도 많아요 미곡을 수탈해가던 옛 철길 또한 만날 수 있습니다. 근현대사도 좋지만, 난 먹으며 이 연휴를 만끽하고 싶다!하시는 분들을 위해 군산의 맛집.. 2016. 5. 8. Where in Korea have you been to? <Incheon Sorae port> Where in Korea have you been to? Incheon Sorae port is one of the closest places to go to have a look at the ocean from Seoul.As summer is getting closer and closer, Sorae port is a great option to enjoy the cool ocean breeze. (Image from: News1Korea)(Image from: Korea Tourism Organization) The most famous spot of Sorae port is definitely its fishery market.Unlike many other fishery markets in K.. 2016. 5. 7. 이전 1 ··· 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 다음