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Traveling Korea/About travel in Seoul123

Where in Korea have you been to? <Hongdae Zandari Festa> Where in Korea have you been to? Zandari Festa is starting today! http://blog.naver.com/zfesta/220822180894 Korea, England, France, Japan, America, Poland, Estonia, Denmark, Mongol, Indonesia and so on all around the Europe, Asia and America,Over 160 teams are gathering in Hongdae in the keyword of 'RESPECT'to enjoy and show their performances!From 30th September to 3rd October! Zandari Festa is.. 2016. 9. 30.
Where in Korea have you been to? <Seoul International Fireworks Festival> Where in Korea have you been to? Seoul International Fireworks Festival is going to be held in Hangang Park in Yeouido At 7PM, On 8th October! http://www.hanwhafireworks.com/ko/common/main.do http://cafe.naver.com/themukja/658779 http://cafe.naver.com/themukja/658779 In the middle of the Seoul, there will be breathtaking fireworks on October! We need to check the time and the place with amazing .. 2016. 9. 28.
Where in Korea have you been to? <The surprising things to foreign tourists in travelling Korea> Where in Korea have you been to? This survey is about the things make foreign tourists surprise when they travel Korea, 273 foreigners from 29 countries who have been in Korea or are studying in Korea are helped through online and offline survey! 1. Very Comfortable Transportation https://pixabay.com/ko/%EC%A7%80%ED%95%98%EC%B2%A0-%EC%A7%80%ED%95%98-%EC%97%AD%EC%82%AC-%EC%9E%85%EA%B5%AC-%ED%95%9.. 2016. 9. 24.
Where in Korea have you been to? <World Hansik Festival> Where in Korea have you been to? Hansik Festival which is for Korean Food Promotion will be held until 1st October! Hansik : Korean Traditional Food http://hansikfestival.com/ 1. Korea Gome It is the biggest dining festival in Seoul It will be held in 50 main restaurants Modern Korean restaurant / Casual Korean restaurant / Premium Korean restaurant You could taste special menu here! If you want.. 2016. 9. 23.