Where in Korea have you been to?
<Gangwondo Chuncheon Nami Island>
Today, we are going to head for the famous date place
Gangwondo Chuncheon Nami Island!
In fall season, So many beautiful Ginkgo trees make a wonderful scenery here!
The place where so many foreign tourists and couples and families visit!
Specially, to Japanese and Chinese people, It is well-known place because of Winter Sonata!
Furthermore, There are so many delicious restaurants and palces to see!
So much beautiful things in Nami Island!
The place where we want to walk around!
The best months to visit Nami Island are May, July ~ August and September!
The entrance fee is 10,000won for adult
Foreigner/ Middle school and High school student/
Who have welfare card/ Age over 70/ Who have national merit card
Give special treatment to
36months~Elementary school student/ Under 36months group/
If you use at 18:30 in winter/ If you use at 19:30 in summer
You should know that
Car is not available in the Island
No field kitchen or camping
There are some things to check before visiting!
'Time of ship operation!'
From 7:30 to 21:00, every 30mins, operates on time
First ship time : From Gapyong dock 07:30 / From Nami dock 07:35
09:00 ~ 18:00, every 10~20 mins, operates frequently
18:00 ~ 21:40, every 30 mins, operates on time
Last ship time: From Gapyong dock 21:40 / From Nami dock 21:45
And there is one more way to go to Nami Island!
That is Zip-Wire! You could use it without ship!
If you want to try, go for it~
If you stroll around in the nature,
you could see some squirrels, sciuruses, ostriches and a peacock!
When you feel tired,
use some vehicles such as bicycle
and stop by coffee shops to take a rest!
If you plan for travelling Gangwondo,
Take a walk in Namiseom Island, see great sceneries, and take lots of pictures!
And then,
How do you think about tasting delicious food in Namiseom Island?
Resources : http://korean.visitkorea.or.kr/kor/bz15/addOn/main/publish/index.jsp